Friday, February 15, 2013

Microsoft Message Analyzer better in Beta 2 (Gantt viewer, Quick filter, Parsing REST Protocols and more)

MessageAnalyzer - Microsoft Message Analyzer Beta 2 is released (build 5950)!

Install the Beta 2 version from here:  You’ll need to be a member of our connection.

This release adds a range of new functionality and resolves a number of bugs:

· IntelliSense UI for filter creation – As one of the most requested features, Filter IntelliSense is now available for exploring protocol message hierarchies to find the fields you need to build filter expressions. The capabilities are vastly improved compared to Network Monitor, now displaying protocols, messages, fields, structures, properties, annotations and more!

· Quick filter - Quick filtering makes it easy to create a time window in which to view trace results!   Unlike BSV, it filters messages in memory after loading them instead of during import.  Just select the traces you want, adjust the time slider as needed, and you are done.  It’s that easy.

· Capture firewall discard events – This feature allows you to discover how the firewall is affecting network traffic.  New messages tell you when traffic is blocked and associated IDs point to the specific firewall rule responsible for dropping the message.

· OPN Viewer – You can right click on any field and select Go to Definition to view the field’s OPN definition.  This feature provides the equivalent functionality of the NPL Viewer in Network Monitor 3.4.

· Parsing REST Protocols – This feature enables you to diagnose and analyze RESTful web services.  RESTful web services are one of the fastest growing network areas.

· Performance improvements:

· Gantt viewer – Do you need to see a bird’s eye view of your message traffic?  Message Analyzer now includes a highly customizable Gantt Viewer that provides easy-to-use navigation, zooming, and the ability to drill down into further details, as necessary.

· Console viewer provides an interactive command-line interface for filtering, sorting, grouping, and viewing messages collections.


Lots of cool features if you're into Network traffic analysis (and who isn't?  :P )


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