Thursday, June 16, 2011

Will the real Windows Phone 7 SketchFlow Template please stand up...

Microsoft User Experience Blog - SketchFlow for Windows Phone–The real one

"It almost feels like the end of an era Winking smile A while ago I posted an article on my own implementation of a project type to enable the use of SketchFlow for Windows Phone apps. I also send a link to this to my friends at the Expression team, who reacted “Wow! This is great. Now look at the specs we started on 10 days ago…”. Yep, they came up with the same idea. But of course they can do better than my attempt and the result is there now. Go to you can download the new template.

To use this template you need a SketchFlow enabled version of Expression Blend (included in Expression Studio Ultimate and Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate). You also need the Mango developer tools for Windows Phone (a more simple set of the downloads can be found here, where you only need the vm_web2.exe, the Web Platform Installer).

Once installed, fire up Blend and you’ll have the option to start a Windows Phone SketchFlow Application project:


CodePlex - SketchFlow Template for Windows Phone

The SketchFlow Template for Windows Phone 7 adds a new SketchFlow template for Expression Blend* users that makes creating a prototype of a Windows Phone app quick and easy.

* Please note: To use the SketchFlow Template for Windows Phone 7 you need to be using Blend 4 with SketchFlow enabled (this is the version of Blend that comes with both Expression Studio 4 Ultimate and Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate) you also need to have the Mango developer tools for Windows Phone installed.


Both I've blogged about are "real" but I guess the one coming from the Expression team "real'er"  :P


Related Past Post XRef:
Sketching out an WP7 user interface and interaction with SketchFlow

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