Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Windows Live ID SDK and LiveFX – Two great tastes and two SDK’s… (err… um… that didn’t quite work, but you get the idea)

LiveSide.Net - LiveFX + Windows Live ID Client SDK = Safer Program

Building an application that uses the LiveFX is easy. So is building an application that uses Windows Live ID. Using the Windows Live ID Client SDK also means that you’re not asking a user to supply your application with the username and password which means that the user can remain safe that they’re not just giving out their username and password for the program to with as he wishes. So if both sorts of programs are easy, is it easy to combine the two? Well, yes.

In Visual Studio, I created a quick Windows Form that looks like the following:


Scott you must be reading my mind (wow, what a scary thought… ;)

I was JUST thinking about this today on the drive in. Wondering if it was possible, how hard, how to do it, etc. I’m just starting to think about LiveFX development and was wondering if I could avoid login/UserID crud and just use Windows Live ID.

After reading this post, I guess so… :)

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