Friday, June 27, 2008

Microsoft Virtual Earth WinForm Control – Because I’m just a WinForm kind of guy…

CodePlex - MS Virtual Earth Winforms User Control

“A Winforms User Control for displaying and manipulation maps using Microsoft Visual Earth.
I have written a simple c# user control to include in your winform applications. It it no more than a web browser control with added functionality for displaying maps using Microsoft Visual Earth. The current release contains:

  • Add and remove layers
  • Find locations and show them using pushpins
  • Get and display driving directions
  • Supports mouse events
  • Save map output to disk



Because I just a WinForm kind of guy, yet like pretty maps… lol

BTW, don’t be sad that there’s nothing on the Source tab, the source is in the release download.  :)

1 comment:

Srinivasan Family said...

It was a very useful I used it for a small application...The only thing I have is for reverse geo code---can you please suggest where I will add code for reverse geociding and what need to be added please

my email is