Sunday, November 04, 2007

Microsoft Sync Framework CTP1 Released

Microsoft Downloads - Microsoft Sync Framework CTP1

"... Microsoft Sync Framework is a comprehensive synchronization platform that enables collaboration and offline scenarios for applications, services and devices. Developers can build sync ecosystems that integrate any application, any type of data, using any protocol over any network.

The Microsoft Sync Framework provides a platform for taking web services and databases offline. In addition, it provides optimized P2P sync of any type of file including contacts, music, videos, images and settings. The extensible framework includes built-in support for synchronizing relational databases, NTFS/FAT file systems, Simple Sharing Extensions for RSS/ATOM, devices and web services.


  • Add sync support to new and existing applications, services, and devices
  • Enable collaboration and offline capabilities for any application
  • Roam and share information from any data store, over any protocol, and over any network configuration
  • Leverage sync capabilities exposed in Microsoft technologies to create sync ecosystems
  • Extend the architecture to support custom data types including files


Microsoft Downloads - Introduction to the Microsoft Sync Framework

"Throughout this document we will discuss the Microsoft Sync Framework which enables developers to create offline and collaboration scenarios for applications, services and devices.


The Microsoft Sync Framework includes all of the things required to integrate applications into an offline or collaboration based network, using the pre-created providers or writing new custom providers. This article outline some key concepts regarding synchronization providers, which will help you to understand how to create a provider.


Microsoft Downloads - Microsoft Synchronization Services for ADO.NET v2.0 CTP1

"The download package contains the SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 and Microsoft Synchronization Services for ADO.NET v2.0 CTP1


Microsoft Downloads - Introducing Microsoft Sync Framework: Sync Services for File Systems Whitepaper

"Dive into the details of this new reusable Sync Services for Files Systems component we call simply, the File System Provider, along with enabled scenarios and sample code for getting started.


Towards this goal, we have developed a reusable provider for synchronizing the contents of file system directories on PCs and removable media such as USB thumb drives. In this article, I’ll cover the details of this new reusable Sync Services for Files Systems component we call simply, the File System Provider, along with enabled scenarios and sample code for getting started.


Interesting... Added to my mental watch list.

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